Thursday, September 16, 2010

State of the Farm - Part Two

Continuing with a general update on various farm things:

Turnip greens from planting number 3. I just chucked in seed because I was too lazy to get the seeder out for a mere 8' length of bed. They might be a little dense ;-)

Purple broccoli. Beautiful until you steam it, then still nice but green.

Romaines planted out from plant starts that got too big. I guess that's a big advantage of having a veggie plant start operation; little waste. If we don't sell it to a gardener, hopefully we can sell it to the health food store.

Our next bed of salad greens, planted about 3 weeks ago. Our original 60' bed probably yielded close to $500 in cash and trade in two cuts. The first cut was more lucrative per hour since the weeds hadn't taken control. Towards the end of the second cut, it was becoming quite labour-intensive to separate the weed from the food. We'll know next year to have a closer succession of salad so that we aren't caught without any to sell. Having said that, I'm not sure we could have sold all that much more.

Towards the left, our double bed of carrots under a low tunnel of reemay. The carrots range from 2" to 6". Last week we started selling them at the Tuesday market in bunches of ~10 for $2 and they sold out. We'll probably double our supply for next week. There are only 3 Tuesday markets left this year so we'll be fairly aggressive selling them. There's been a lot of rain recently and much more in the forecast. I've now removed the reemay and will replace it with poly once we've extracted 20-30 more lbs of carrots for the next week or two.

The solar dehydrator which I may dedicate a post to some day is coming in handy for drying some burlap sacks that I was having difficulty drying out in open air (rain). Come spring, it may come in handy for germination although a slight mod will be required.

Just a pretty photo to end the update. While on a market research trip to Thimble Farm in the north end (which is spectacular), we stopped on Sunset Drive to watch a bunch of guys race RC sailboats in this large pond. Laura would love to have one of those. And we wouldn't mind having the farm it's on.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Farmerod,
    Fantastic post - I enjoy farming vicariously through you.

    I've also nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger" meme award.

